
Thursday 30 October 2014

You're so immature! By Quinlan and Amber

The pencil that could talk - Part 2

It was a casual day when my aunt Sophie asked me if I wanted to go to circus, "Do you want to go to the circus? I heard they have better stuff there." "Sure aunt," I reply. We left at 1:00pm and arrived at 1:29pm.

"We're here." says aunty Sophie excitedly "Cool," I say "Looks like a lot of fun is in there." "Yup. Of course there's fun in there." says Aunty Sophie. We went into the circus and saw a pencil on the ground, I picked it up thinking that it was just a ordinary pencil. But somehow it opens a little cut in the front as if it was it's mouth. It was a mouth. It said to me, "Help me....." "OK, just be quiet.." I reply "What was that?" Asks Aunty Sophie "Uhmm.. I need to go to the bathroom." I say "Okay" replies Aunt Sophie.

I walk into the bathroom stall wondering why it said that. "What do you mean help me?" I ask the pencil. "I've been treated like an animal... one of those bad animals..." says the pencil "I'll help you, just be quiet." I say to the pencil. I walk out of the bathroom and straight there is my aunty, "That was 1 full hour! Oh my, we'll have to go home. The pencil wasn't on the show and the circus show is done!" "Oh um.. sorry I really had a sore stomach.." I say nervously. "We're going home." Says Aunty Sophie dragging me to the car. I accidentally drop the pencil, "No! Wait!" I shout "Nope, we're going home. I don't care if you dropped anything, we're going home." Says Aunty Sophie

Stay tuned for part 3 next week hopefully.

How to be a good Pt Englander

If you want to be a good pt englander then you should always be nice to the teachers, students and visitors. If you aren’t nice to them then they might not like you and you won’t be a successful pt englander. When visitors come you should always be nice to them.

If you want to be a successful pt englander then you should never talk when the teachers talking and you should always listen to the teacher just incase you don’t know what you have to do after you go and do it. If the teacher is telling the class something important then you should not play with your friends while hes talking.
If you annoy someone when they're trying to do there work then you should stop because that’s not being a very good pt englander because if you annoy them then they won’t finish their work and they might have to be in at lunch time. If you keep annoying them then they will tell on you and you will get in trouble.

If you want to be a good pt englander then you should always get good sleep so your good for school the next day. If you don’t get enough sleep then you will not have a nice day like a good pt englander.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Quinlan and Amber's man on the moon interview

Quinlan and I have made a video learning about the man on the moon and how he creates a mask and goes to a competition. Quinlan and I have done an interview showing you what it is like. We show you the information we have learnt about this book that we have read.

I hope you like it, here is some information about this book.

The pencil that could talk - Part 1

It was a casual day when my aunt Sophie asked me if I wanted to go to circus, "Do you want to go to the circus? I heard they have better stuff there." "Sure aunt," I reply. We left at 1:00pm and arrived at 1:29pm.

"We're here." says aunty Sophie excitedly "Cool," I say "Looks like a lot of fun is in there." "Yup. Of course there's fun in there." says Aunty Sophie. We went into the circus and saw a pencil on the ground, I picked it up thinking that it was just a ordinary pencil. But somehow it opens a little cut in the front as if it was it's mouth. It was a mouth.

To find out what happens next stay tuned into part 2!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

How to use a compass

We have been learning about maps in literacy class today.

I have learnt about how to use a compass. WALT: How to use a compass

Monday 20 October 2014

How to stay safe in the sun

It is very important to keep safe in the sun because you might get skin cancer. If you’re going for a swim at the beach you should put some sunscreen on so you don’t get sunburnt.

If you want to stay safe in the sun, always remember to wear a hat or sunscreen. If you don’t you will probably get sunburnt or skin cancer. You should wear sunglasses too, because if your not wearing them then your eyes will start to hurt and you might get blind.

Did you know that if you don’t wear any sunscreen before you go for a swim, you will get sunburnt. Want to know how? Well, you know how the sun shines down strongly into the water? It will shine down on you and you will get sunburnt.

Do you know what happens when you don’t wear a hat in the sun? You will get sunburnt, or skin cancer. You also need sunscreen too, if you don’t have sunscreen all over your body you could get them (skin cancer, sunburn).

If you don’t want to get sunburn or skin cancer you should always be in the shade, it doesn’t have to be a tree it can be anything.